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Package org.jets3t.servlets.gatekeeper

Provides the Gatekeeper servlet application, a server-side authorization service that acts as a Gatekeeper server for S3 operations.

See: Description

Package org.jets3t.servlets.gatekeeper Description

Provides the Gatekeeper servlet application, a server-side authorization service that acts as a Gatekeeper server for S3 operations. The servlet receives requests for S3 operations (GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE) and responds to these requests with either a signed URL allowing the operation, or a message stating that the operation will not be allowed.

Basic decision-making functionality is included with the JetS3t suite, however it is straight-forward to obtain more advanced control over the Gatekeeper's behaviour by implementing the relevant Java interfaces. There are specific interfaces for: allowing/denying requests, signing URLs, and assigning unique transaction IDs for a request.

The Gatekeeper is designed to work closely with the Uploader and CockpitLite applications, providing them with signed URLs so they can access an S3 account without the end-user having any access to the AWS account credentials.

Related Documentation

For more information refer to the Gatekeeper Guide.

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